Recreation facility management, made easy.
Schedule individual or recurring events using a customizable, high function calendar scheduling grid. Mass editing, drag and drop events, conflict checking, flexible invoicing, digital display, multiple rates and more make this the premier facility scheduler in the recreation industry.
Streamlined and easy-to-use activity setup, enrollment and payments greatly enhance the efficiency of any organization. Rich functionality including waivers, sibling discounts, rosters, customizable questions, enrollee history, drop ins and program prerequisites are just a few of the highlights.
Incorporating a powerful, customizable rules-based scheduling engine allows for multi-sport automated practice or game scheduling. Round robin, double headers, blackout dates, integration to nationally recognized team management and results sites round out this very robust league offering.
Engaging customers through a vibrant, high function, easy-to-use portal is just the beginning of building stronger relationships and encouraging loyalty. Check out schedules, reserve facilities, enroll in programs, pay in full or pay down balance will help you retain your most valuable asset - your clients.
Information is power and FinnlySport delivers critical reporting to enhance your decision-making process.
Who’s using the facility and contributing the most revenue? Where do we have open time to book? Which programs are most popular? Who should we be marketing new offerings to? These are just some of the questions that can be answered through our robust financial reporting tools.

From the developers of MaxICE, MaxEnterprise and MaxGalaxy comes a whole new breed of sports and recreation management software.
FinnlySport makes the entire back-office operations of facilities a snap, from scheduling to billing to processing payments. That’s because we designed it for your convenience, not ours. And we’re always there when you need us.

Total Pro Customer Service
An amazing thing happens when you pick up the phone and give us a call. We answer it.

Intuitive User
It’s as if you had a hand in designing it. Because, well, you did.

We’ve been around the block, or rink, or diamond, or…well, you get the picture.
A better software experience starts with a better understanding of your world.
If it seems like whoever designed FinnlySport actually took the time to fully understand everything a facility manager goes through in a day, it’s because we did.
Our capabilities go deep:
Calendar Scheduling Grid
Drag and Drop
Customer Invoicing
Maintenance Conflict Checking
Publish Calendar to 3rd Party Apps Like SportsEngine, Crossbar, Sprocket, SportsNinja, USA Hockey, USFSA, and Game Sheet
Locker Room Assignments
Direct Communication with Association Schedulers