Membership Options

Discover the all-encompassing Membership Platform by FinnlySport, designed to cater to all your needs. Whether selling various types of passes or offering diverse membership options, our platform empowers you to reach and engage your customers like never before. Tailored to provide flexibility and ease, FinnlySport's Membership Platform is the ultimate tool for expanding your offerings and enhancing your customer experience. Elevate your business with the versatility and efficiency of FinnlySport.


  • Choose from a range of membership options that fit your lifestyle - whether you prefer daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly access.
  • Offer punch passes to your customers, granting them easy access to classes and programs.
  • Enable members to access specific facilities based on their membership type, ensuring that only certain memberships are permitted at designated locations.
  • Provide your customers with the convenience of using both QR codes and barcodes that seamlessly integrate with your point of sale (POS) or programming.
  • Keep tabs on check-ins effortlessly through user-friendly reporting or directly from the activities page.
  • USA Hockey Integration: Ensure your customers meet the program requirements effortlessly by seamlessly integrating with USA Hockey. Our advanced platform connects directly with USA Hockey, ensuring that all participants meet the necessary qualifications and standards effortlessly. From verifying player registrations to confirming current certifications, our integration streamlines the process, saving you time and effort. With this seamless connection, you can focus on providing the best experience for your members, knowing that their eligibility and compliance are taken care of. Elevate your membership platform with the power of USA Hockey integration and offer your customers a hassle-free experience.
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